Editing Services

For all reports, papers, and corporate documents we provide the following services:

  • Correct typographical errors, spelling errors and inconsistencies in punctuationAPAManual
  • Correct errors in grammar and syntax
  • Ensure parallel syntax is used when listing elements in a series
  • Ensure all spacing and page breaks are correct
  • Check URLS throughout the document to ensure all links are active
  • Format the document to provided specifications
  • Ensure all figures, graphs and tables are formatted consistently
  • Ensure abbreviations, measurements and font styles for emphasis are formatted consistently
  • Format page numbering and running headers and footers to provided specifications
  • Generate the Table of Content, List of Figures, List of Tables and IndicesAPA7.Image
  • Proofread for errors in word usage and consistency in capitalization and spelling
  • Ensure logic, facts and details are consistent
  • Indicate redundancies, verbosity, jargon and ambiguous phrasing
  • Indicate possible legal issues such as libel, plagiarism and copyright permission requirements

For all academic reports, theses, and dissertations we provide these additional services:

  • Cross-check citations against the reference list (or bibliography) and to ensure all sources have been cited and all citations have been included on the reference list
  • Ensure all URLs provided on the reference list (or bibliography) are active
  • Format the report to meet the specified style guide requirements as well as any requirements specified by your university